ebrary now offers the following two download options for offline access to ebrary content:
- Create an image PDF of a specific chapter or page range
Learn more: http://support.ebrary.com/?p=655- Same page limits as for printing.
- Accessible on most computers and devices, including the Kindle.
- Additional (free) software is typically not needed.
- Files do not expire.
- Download an entire document as an e-book in Adobe Digital Editions
Learn more: http://support.ebrary.com/?p=687- Patrons first need to install Adobe Digital Editions (free online).
- Accessible on most computers and devices, but not the Kindle.
- Up to 10 documents at a time per patron.
- By default, full-document downloading is only available for multi-user documents (not single-user-only documents), but admins can override this setting.
- Multi-user documents can be full-document downloaded for 14 days*.
- If allowed, single-user-only documents can be full-document downloaded for 7 days*.
- Some publishers prohibit full-document downloading of their documents. See here for a list: http://support.ebrary.com/?p=868
The Kindle Fire has different directions.