More streaming films, just like Netflix on demand or Hulu...

only more educational.

The library has added to Vocational/Technical collection to its Films on Demand subscription. The service is available from the library's website, just go to >> Search Our Collection >> music + films >> Films on Demand.  Like all of the library's paid resources, direct links to resources will not work, you need to go to the library's website and click the link (this way when you are on campus you are recognized as an authorized user and off campus you are asked to log in).

The collection consists of:
Health & Medicine
Vocation Education
Family and Consumer Sciences
Careers & Job Search
Guidance & Counseling

All Films on Demand videos can be streamed to any video capable internet device (computer, iPod, iPad, Android, smartphone, etc.). There are no copyright restrictions on streaming via the Internet or showing to classes, so you can embed links and let students watch at their leisure.

Thanks to David Grooms for securing the funding for this resource.